Product Details
- An award winning climbing rose with abundant violet-rose coloured flowers and a fresh fruity scent with notes of apple, pear and apricot that becomes stronger at night
- Best for walls, trellises, pergolas and arbours and great for disguising unsightly structures
- Grow in any well-drained, fertile soil in full sun and feed twice a year with a rose fertiliser. Deadhead your roses for repeat flowering throughout the summer
- Introduced in 2005; winner of the 2007 Fragrance Award
- Proudly grown in the UK
- Climbing roses have large or clustering flowers on vigorous twining stems that can reach 6m in height - the classic ‘roses around the door’! They grow quickly, bloom in summer and autumn and most are fragranced.They need training when young by using supports and benefit from regular pruning
- Depending on the time of year, your rose may have been professionally hard-pruned by our growers to ensure its long term health and strength